The Greatest Vloggers of All Time

Updated January 2, 2025 193.0K views 36 items
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52.0K votes
8.7K voters
4 reranks
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Vote up your favorite YouTube channels that feature vlogs.

Here are the best YouTube vloggers aka video bloggers. What's a vlogger? Well, anyone with a YouTube channel has the chance to become one of the best YouTubers of all time. Many are normal, charismatic kids, young adults, and even real grown ups who have made entire careers out of projecting cleverness into their web cams and posting it on YouTube. From the best beauty vloggers and top fashion vloggers, to YouTube stars dedicated to just telling their story, these are the best YouTube vloggers online, as voted on you you, the viewers!

Who is the the most popular vlogger? The top famous vloggers on YouTube are a range of ages, genders, topics, interests, and sexual orientations. They are inspiring, interesting, and, above all, entertaining.

Rank your favorite YouTube vlog channels and vloggers below and add any good vloggers who aren't already listed.

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