The Most Explosive Fire-Powered Comic Book Characters

Jake Brian Williams
Updated October 15, 2024 49.4K views 15 items
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Vote up the heroes and villains who are blazing hot.

Comic book characters with fire powers are so prevalent throughout the multitude of comic book universes that if they worked together, their collective flame would rival the sun. But what if these pyrokinesis superheroes were working against each other? Which of them would have the upper hand?

Superheroes with fire powers typically adhere to two constants. Number one, they can either project fire, control fire, or both. Number two, they are immune to damage inflicted by fire (if they weren't, that would be quite the painful power). These characters' powers really start to differ once those constants are out of the way, though. The source of their flame, their maximum heat, and their overall destructive power all vary wildly. 

  • Where His Powers Come From: As a high schooler, Johnny Storm joined Reed Richards's mission into space alongside his sister Sue Storm and Reed's friend Ben Grimm. The four astronauts were exposed to cosmic rays while among the stars, and back on Earth, they realized they had gained incredible abilities. Reed was elastic, Sue could turn invisible, Ben was covered in rocks, and Johnny Storm discovered that he could light his body on fire. 

    What Type Of Heat Does He Generate: Johnny Storm possesses the ability to generate fiery plasma all around his body (typically burning at around 780 degrees Fahrenheit). He can use this plasma as a projectile, and he retains a degree of control over his flame with his mind. He regularly uses his flame to fly. 

    Hottest Moment: The Human Torch can use an ability dubbed Nova Burst to release all of the energy in his body at once. Nova Burst can burn up to temperatures of 1,000,000 degrees and equals an atomic event in terms of potential destruction. According to Johnny, his Nova Burst could potentially destroy a moon. He's used this blast to great effect on multiple occasions. Once, when bombarded at Empire State University, he accidentally triggered it and wiped out the campus. A second time, he used it while fighting off the Annihilation Wave alone in the Negative Zone. 

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  • Where His Powers Come From: Sunfire was born and raised in Japan, where his uncle taught him to hate the West in the aftermath of WWII. The tragedy of Hiroshima caused his mother to pass the day he was born due to radiation poisoning. Later, Sunfire's uncle took him to a spot in Japan where the ground was so heavily radiated that simply touching it activated his latent mutant gene. 

    What Type Of Heat Does He Generate: Sunfire's fire powers come from his absorption of solar (and other forms of) radiation. He's able to convert that radiation to plasma. His powers rival that of Johnny Storm's, and he even has an ability that's similar to Storm's Nova Burst (except Sunfire can control his better). 

    Hottest Moment: Sunfire is powered by the sun, meaning his power level basically knows no bounds. Sunfire once saved all of Earth by absorbing the power of a Celestial; imagine how much fire he could have generated with all that energy. 

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  • Where Her Powers Come From: Pyreus Kril was a naval officer for Xandar before a run-in with Galactus turned him into the world devourer's new herald. 

    What Type Of Heat Does He Generate: Firelord's ability comes from the Power Cosmic, and he typically uses it to create stellar fire. He possesses the powers of a small sun. So, not only can he project fire, but he can project a variety of energies, including light, gravity, radio waves, and charged particles. 

    Hottest Moment: As a herald of Galactus, he helped his master destroy Ego the Living Planet. In one of his largest displays of strength, Firelord teamed up with his fellow heralds to fight back against the Annihilation Wave. 

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  • Where His Powers Come From: Roberto Da Costa's mutant powers first manifested while he was in the middle of a schoolyard brawl playing soccer. His powers led him to join the X-Men, where he became a member of the New Mutants. 

    What Type Of Heat Does He Generate: Roberto Da Costa channels the sun's power to give himself incredible abilities. While he typically uses this in the form of physical strength, he does possess the ability to project intense heat waves and solar plasmablasts. 

    Hottest Moment: Sunspot typically wears a regulator headband to control his powers (similar to Cyclops's need for an optical barrier). Without the regulator, though, he has been deemed the strongest X-Man. This is due to the basically limitless amount of strength he can generate from absorbing radiation from the sun. At one point, he used these powers to power the World-Engine, a Hulk-level task. 

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  • Firestorm

    Where His Powers Come From: Ronnie Raymond was a high school activist who got caught up in a scheme to detonate the Hudson Power Plant, resulting in a nuclear accident fusing him with famed physicist Martin Stein. Together, they became Firestorm, a nuclear-powered hero. 

    What Type Of Heat Does He Generate: Firestorm has far more abilities than the typical fire-wielder. The fusion of two beings into Firestorm creates what's known as the Firestorm Matrix. This allows the beings to control the density and elemental makeup of objects around them. Instead of projecting fire, which Firestorm does technically have the ability to do, it's more common for him to fire nuclear blasts (that just so happen to be drawn to look like fire). 

    Hottest Moment: In the New 52, the Firestorm Matrix reached new heights when two separate Firestorms combined into a being known as Fury. This creature was massively powerful but also angry and mindless, akin to the Hulk. His fire powers received a massive overcharge, and he was also strong enough to throw a bus. 

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  • Where Her Powers Come From: Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla was a member of a Roman colony stuck in time and ruled by an immortal sorceress. Girls in the colony were horrifically sacrificed into a volcano. Eventually, it came time for Amara to be sacrificed, but the lava simply awakened her latent mutant gene, and she became Magma. 

    What Type Of Heat Does She Generate: Magma's powers are, as her name implies, more magma-based than fire. She can control magma under the Earth's crust, as well as turn herself into a magma form where she can generate and project magma bursts from her body. Hand-in-hand with her magma-controlling abilities, she can control the Earth's tectonic plates (within a certain range). 

    Hottest Moment: To protect her New Mutants teammates from Mephisto, Magma impressively released her full powers while in hell (pictured above). This display of strength made the nearly all-powerful Mephisto not only back down but also develop a crush on Magma, asking her out on a date in exchange for her friends' lives. 

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