The Busiest Characters In The MCU

The Busiest Characters In The MCU

T.W. Mitchell
Updated November 9, 2023 45.2K views 14 items
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5.3K votes
968 voters
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Vote up the MCU characters that are stretched a little too thin.

With 20+ movies and counting, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is bound to have some characters who are just swamped. The busiest MCU characters tend to have schedules that would make your average daily planner run and hide. Some of these people run billion-dollar corporations; others manage to balance being a superhero with obsessive inventing; and others still travel from planet to planet wiping out half of the population in an endless cycle.

No packed schedule is overlooked here: Being a busy superhero and a busy parent can be just as daunting as protecting the planet from intergalactic threats - we're not here to throw shade at anyone. Villains can be just as busy, if not busier, than your average everyday hero.

  • The man who brought the Avengers together seems to know every minute detail about the state of the world.

    Having appeared in a whopping 11 Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, Fury ran S.H.I.E.L.D. for years while keeping tabs on absolutely everything there is to know about not only global politics, but intergalactic threats as well. How he manages to do this without the resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a bit murky, but it is safe to say Fury keeps his schedule packed.

    371 votes
  • As Sorcerer Supreme, Stephen Strange is tasked with protecting the planet from all otherworldly and dimensional threats. In terms of daunting job descriptions in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this one certainly takes the cake.

    There are seemingly endless possibilities to the types of menaces Strange must protect the world from and, while cinephiles have only seen him go up against Dormammu and Thanos thus far, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness will surely introduce new perils the magic-wielding doctor must fend off.

    375 votes
  • Pepper Potts

    Running a Fortune 500 company is seriously no joke and, from Iron Man 2 onward, Pepper Potts is the CEO of Stark Industries.

    In addition to dating (on-again, off-again) an egotistical playboy like Tony Stark, Pepper manages to do everything that comes with running a major corporation without missing a beat. This even eventually includes raising a daughter with Stark and becoming a superhero in her own right with the Rescue armor from Avengers: Endgame.

    458 votes
  • Tony Stark

    Just listen to the laundry list that Stark recites when challenged by Captain America on what he is without his suit of armor in The Avengers: genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. In addition to being a self-made superhero, Stark is a genius-level inventor responsible for a Fortune 500 company (until he signs control away to Pepper Potts) who never appears to sleep very much.

    Stark is obsessed with upgrading his suits - he gets all the way up to 85 versions before his sacrifice in Avengers: Endgame - but he also finds time to try and better the world with projects like developing clean energy, which is shown during his introductory scene in The Avengers.

    370 votes
  • T'Challa, the titular Black Panther, serves his country as a combination superhero/spy/king who takes an active role in national defense and diplomacy.

    As if being a king weren't enough, T'Challa also finds time to utilize his superpowers for the benefit of his people while spearheading international relations and being expected to maintain levelheadedness in the face of conflict. Combine aspects of Queen Elizabeth, James Bond, and Batman, and you'll get an awesome character like T'Challa.

    299 votes
  • Helping run a governmental organization as wide-ranging as S.H.I.E.L.D. is nothing to scoff at, and being Nick Fury's right hand can't be as glamorous as it sounds. One can only imagine the off-screen shenanigans Hill gets up to in the down and dirty world of espionage and intrigue.

    Even when S.H.I.E.L.D. folds after the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Hill manages to keep busy by assisting the Avengers through her employment at Stark Industries all while remaining in contact with a ghosted Fury.

    287 votes