The Most Ridiculous Superheroes Ever
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The Most Ridiculous Superheroes Ever

Ranker Community
Updated July 18, 2024 415.9K views 51 items
Ranked By
80.4K votes
8.1K voters
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Superheroes with the silliest powers and names initially featured in comic books. No villains!

Ridiculous comic book superheroes come in all shapes and sizes. And these are the characters voted by many to be the most ridiculous superheroes of all time. Sometimes it's not the stupid heroes' fault; they were written to serve a very specific comic book function — their unique niche — and no one had a plan for the character after that. Other times they were just a product of time period where they were more appropriate. 

Even so, many of these funny and silly comic book characters should probably have been written out of the series long before they were. Despite how dumb and useless some of these protagonists and powers may seem (many don't have powers at all and are some of the weakest, most fake “superheroes” you'll find), in some ways these lesser known superheroes act as a clever contrast to the more prominent characters we know and adore. The superhero world doesn't have to be so serious, and these more obscure, weird, and widely unknown entries provide us some of the funniest, most unusual, and perhaps even dumbest ideas explored throughout the comic realm. 

That strange and random nature arguably makes it all the more fun, and while some of these concepts are undoubtedly bad and absurd, many would argue that the many odd entries on this list still make for a good time. Sometimes these cheesy, often hilarious, superhero characters simply outgrew the context they were in. You'll find a plethora of Marvel and DC character names on this list, though there are numerous other goofy entries round it all out.

Who are the most ridiculous superheroes ever? You decide which of these are the weirdest comic heroes are the best and worst of the bunch, with handy images and descriptions next to each to help you choose.

Also see our roundup of superheroes whose powers make them hurt themselves.

Latest additions: Bueno Excellente
Over 8.1K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Most Absurd Superheroes
Ranked by
  • Arm-Fall-Off-Boy
    3,038 votes

    Arm-Fall-Off-Boy hails from the world of DC Comics, having the peculiar ability to detach his own limbs and use them as weapons. His real name is Floyd Belkin, and he was first introduced to the world as a reject from the Legion of Super-Heroes tryouts.

    • Appears In: DC
    • Powers & Abilities: Detaching Limbs
  • Dogwelder


    1,614 votes

    Dogwelder is a member of the DC Comics team "Section Eight," known for his bizarre and somewhat gruesome talent. As his name suggests, he welds dead dogs to villains' faces, an oddly effective yet clearly peculiar method of fighting crime.

    • Appears In: DC
    • Powers & Abilities: Dog Welding
  • Leather Boy

    Leather Boy

    3,002 votes

    Donning a leather gimp suit, Leather Boy made his appearance in Marvel Comics as a misguided applicant to the Great Lakes Avengers. He assumed the team was a gathering for fetishists, adding an absurd twist to their superhero line-up.

    • Appears In: Marvel
  • Bouncing Boy
    3,513 votes

    A part of DC Comics' Legion of Super-Heroes, Bouncing Boy has the unique ability to inflate like a ball and bounce around. Chuck Taine, the character's real name, received his powers after accidentally drinking a super-plastic formula he thought was soda.

    • Appears In: DC Universe
    • Powers & Abilities: Inflation
  • Crazy Quilt
    1,916 votes

    Crazy Quilt, from DC Comics, started as a painter who turned to a life of crime. After an operation to regain his sight, he could only see bright, disorienting colors, making him an eccentric villain who uses color-themed crimes against Batman.

    • Appears In: DC
    • Powers & Abilities: Hypnotism
  • Pink Pearl

    Pink Pearl

    1,888 votes

    Pink Pearl, a Marvel Comics supervillain, is a circus owner who uses her establishment as a front for terrorist attacks. Despite her charming, rotund exterior, she's a master manipulator with a taste for the theatrical and deadly.

    • Appears In: Marvel Universe
    • Powers & Abilities: Agility, Superhuman strength