The Most Delicious Foods in the World

Ranker Community
Updated January 2, 2025 482.7K views 200 items
Ranked By
1.2M votes
36.4K voters
87 reranks
Voting Rules
Any type of food counts. No specific products or restaurant menu items and no beverages.

Everyone has a favorite food. Maybe yours is mac n' cheese, or steak, or even sushi. But does your favorite rank among the best food in the world? This list has been cultivated and voted on by food lovers everywhere, which means that this ranking of the best foods ever is based on your opinion. Anyone can add their favorite foods to this list, which makes these mouthwatering rankings an accurate, real-time rundown of the tastiest treats on Earth.

See how your taste stacks up against the rest of the community. You can influence the order of this list of the tastiest food in the world by voting up your favorite foods. Warning: side effects of viewing or adding to this list include extreme hunger, drooling, and a desire for delicious treats.

Most divisive: Hummus
Over 36.4K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Tastiest Foods on Earth
Ranked by