The Best Teenage Superheroes

Ranker Community
Updated December 15, 2024 66.8K views 102 items
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121.6K votes
9.0K voters
36 reranks
Voting Rules
Must have been a teenager for the predominant part of their comic book run.

This list of teenage superheroes has been voted on by you. the fans. These are the best teenage superheroes of all time! Being a teenager is both tough (because it's an awkward time) and awesome (because you're young and all of your joints work!) --- like these superheroes. From finishing yesterday's math homework and thinking about your crush by day, to saving the world and still thinking about your crush by night. Vote and help decide the best adolescent superheroes in comic book history. They may sometimes be identified as a young adult by casual comic book fans.

Who is your favorite teenage superhero? Vote for your favorite young superhero now!

Most divisive: Bucky Barnes
Over 9.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Teenage Superheroes
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