The Best Actresses In Film History

Ranker Community
Updated January 2, 2025 896.9K views 351 items
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1.5M votes
73.3K voters
280 reranks
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Vote up the women in film, living or passed, who consistently turned out the best performances.
Latest additions: Monica Vitti, Eileen Atkins, Gloria Swanson
Most divisive: Jane Fonda
Over 73.3K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Greatest Female Actresses

The best actresses ever are ranked here in this list of the best actresses in film history. These are the greatest actresses ever to appear on the silver screen - female only (for the co-ed list, check out the greatest film actors and actresses). These women were part of some of the greatest movies of all time (or were perhaps the reason they were the best movies ever), with countless Academy Awards between them. Women like Meryl Streep and Ingrid Bergman are some of the most famous actresses of all time.

What are the qualities of the best actresses of all time? Is it the raw emotion they show, the parts they choose, their acting methods, or simply their effortless charm and charisma? There's no denying some of these amazing actresses belong on the list of the hottest celebrities of all time, but behind their 1000 watt smiles is the talent that defines generations of actresses.

Who is the best actor of all time? There are so many choices for the greatest movie actress ever that you don't have to limit yourself to voting for just one! Vote up your favorite famous movie actresses below, and then check back to see how your top actresses ranked!

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