The Most Upsetting Moments In Stephen King Adaptations

Sonja Ska
October 11, 2023 102.0K views 17 items
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9.4K votes
1.5K voters
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Vote up the upsetting King moments that are burned into your brain.

Stephen King knows how to write complex, relatable characters that are easy to connect with. Audiences invest in their stories, root for their triumphs, and feel an all-too-real dread over the thought of anything bad befalling them. But as good as King is at writing characters, he's equally as good at tearing their lives apart in the most devastating ways possible.

While none of his characters really walk away from the hell he throws at them unscathed, some suffer more than others. Brace yourselves, horror fans, for we are about to journey through the darkest corners of King's imagination to uncover the most upsetting moments in his frightful film adaptations. From meeting grisly deaths in the confines of the Overlook Hotel to falling prey to Pennywise's vicious cycles of violence, vote up which characters suffered the most harrowing fates and which of King's nightmarish scenarios left you trembling in disbelief.