The 15 Most Gruesome Deaths On 'Rick & Morty,' Ranked
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    • Adult Swim

The 15 Most Gruesome Deaths On 'Rick & Morty,' Ranked

Sergio Pereira
August 13, 2024 15 items
Ranked By
391 votes
75 voters
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Vote up the grisly ends on Rick & Morty that take things to another level.

Anyone who watches Rick and Morty knows the animated series loves to "get schwifty" or deeply philosophical whenever a chance presents itself. However, the show doesn't shy away from showcasing the type of brutal deaths that would make Mortal Kombat fatalities look like mercy kills in comparison.

Whether it's in the obscure pop culture-orientated episodes or Rick simply being Rick and destroying everything he sees, the body count in Adult Swim's crown jewel of programming continues to mount to ridiculous levels. Now, it's time to take a look back at the most jaw-dropping deaths from Rick and Morty and why they left such a lingering impact on the viewer. Then, it'll be up to you - the reader - to vote up the grimmest kills from the show. So, let's wubba lubba dub dub and get to it!

  • 1

    Tophat Jones Gets Mauled By Cereal-Hungry Children

    Tophat Jones Gets Mauled By Cereal-Hungry Children
    • Photo:
      • Adult Swim

    In Rick and Morty Season 1, episode 8 ("Rixty Minutes"), Rick decides to install a device that gets the family access to television programming from different dimensions. Here's the capper, though: Even across the multiple realities, advertisements still persist. No ad-blocker is strong enough to resist, sadly.

    One of the ads that Rick and Morty watch is for a cereal named Strawberry Smiggles, a parody of Lucky Charms. The leprechaun character Tophat Jones brags about eating all the cereal and it being stored in his stomach. As soon as he finishes with the box, a young boy and girl pin him down and cut open his stomach to get to the cereal. They dig inside him and squeeze the bits out of his intestines, continuing to feast as this leprechaun screams in anguish. Heck, even Hannibal Lecter wasn't this brutal.

    61 votes
    Gruesome death?
  • 2

    Pickle Rick Kills His Rodent Enemies And Uses Their Body Parts To Build An Exoskeleton

    Pickle Rick Kills His Rodent Enemies And Uses Their Body Parts To Build An Exoskeleton
    • Photo:
      • Adult Swim

    In an attempt to avoid family therapy, Rick turns himself into a pickle in Rick and Morty Season 3, episode 3 ("Pickle Rick"). Unlike a regular pickle that might hang ten for life, Pickle Rick decides to assemble himself an exoskeleton, because why not?

    Part of his plan to build this body is to acquire the necessary limbs. So, Pickle Rick sets up a number of death traps in the sewer, as he fights a swarm of rats that know no better here. Not only does he successfully lure the rodents into his dangerous traps, but he also brutally kills them and builds his new body out of their flesh and bones.

    47 votes
    Gruesome death?
  • 3

    Rick's Car Slices Up A Stranger Into Meat Cubes

    Rick's Car Slices Up A Stranger Into Meat Cubes
    • Photo:
      • Adult Swim

    Without a shadow of a doubt, Rick and Morty Season 2, episode 6 ("The Ricks Must Be Crazy") proves to be a corker of an adventure. After Rick's car battery malfunctions in an alternate dimension, he and Morty enter the battery's microverse, while Summer stays behind in the car. However, Rick doesn't leave her helpless, as he instructs the car to "Keep Summer safe" from all threats.

    Well, one guy finds out the hard way that Rick isn't joking and will do anything to keep his granddaughter safe. A ponytailed stranger approaches the car and starts to bang on the window after Summer doesn't speak to him. A mechanical tentacle emerges from the car and appears to scan the man from top to bottom. However, it isn't scanning him at all. Rather it's using its rays to slice him into meat cubes. Brutal!

    58 votes
    Gruesome death?
  • 4

    Vance Maximus Gets Cut In Half In A Jigsaw-Inspired Trap

    Vance Maximus Gets Cut In Half In A Jigsaw-Inspired Trap
    • Photo:
      • Adult Swim

    Rick Sanchez shows his appreciation for Saw's Jigsaw Killer in Rick and Morty Season 3, episode 4 ("Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender"). While Rick and Morty are meant to be teaming up with the cosmic superhero team known as the Vindicators, they soon discover that an inebriated Rick spent the night before plotting death traps to test the team. Why? Because it's something Rick would do.

    A panicked Vance Maximus - the leader of the Vindicators - loses his cool and flies away, attempting to escape through an air vent. However, it proves to be boobytrapped, so he gets shot, fried, diced, and sliced in half, as the bottom half of his torso and legs splat to the floor below. The poor hero didn't die in just a single bad way, but experienced all the worst scenarios imaginable.

    43 votes
    Gruesome death?
  • 5

    Michael Jenkins Stands No Chance Against A Moving Car

    Michael Jenkins Stands No Chance Against A Moving Car
    • Photo:
      • Adult Swim

    In Season 2, episode 8 ("Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate"), Jerry receives treatment at an alien hospital, while Rick and the family flip through the television channels in the waiting room. One of the programs they stumble upon is Man vs. Car, which is exactly what the name suggests: It features a strongman trying to stand tall against a regular car.

    In this instance, it's a strongman named Michael Jenkins who tests his might against the ordinary looking vehicle. While Michael holds his own at first, the car soon accelerates and runs over Michael. There's blood and limbs everywhere, as Michael is flattened and the car is declared the winner.

    44 votes
    Gruesome death?
  • 6

    Rick Beats Rick Prime To Death With His Bare Hands

    Rick Beats Rick Prime To Death With His Bare Hands
    • Photo:
      • Adult Swim

    In what could have been a R-rated episode of Loki, Rick hunts down his variant, Rick Prime - who killed Rick's original wife and daughter - in Season 7, episode 5 ("Unmortricken"). Thanks to Evil Morty's assistance, Rick gets his hands - and fists - on Rick Prime who is stuck to a chair. It's a moment he's been craving for a long time.

    While Rick Prime tries to do the villainous thing of monologuing and negotiating, even when in a state of peril, Rick proceeds to slug his variant. Blood and bruising follow as Rick Prime's face swells up to an unrecognizable state, but Rick is unrelenting in his assault. He swings and swings, beating his variant to death with his bare hands. One can almost feel the burning anger and intensity associated with every single strike here as Rick finally tastes revenge.

    60 votes
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