34 Hilarious Custom License Plates

Samantha Dillinger
10.8M views 34 items
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Funny license plates make the drudgery of driving a little bit better (especially when you're in HOURS of traffic), or at least give you something to think about other than when the damn commercials on this radio station are going to end. The magic created by some people in a maximum space of 7-8 numbers and letters can be absolutely breathtaking, horrifying, and face-palming all at once, and the best vanity plates from around the U.S. are all here on this list of funny vanity license plates. 

These license plates with funny messages make use of all the available bits of state license plates. From custom logos to messages meant to be read upside down or in reverse, there's a little bit of "FU, state government!" in every one of these offensive license plates. If you think you can do better than the funniest license plates in the US, head to your local DMV now (because there can never be enough silly license plates).

What are the most offensive personal plates? What can you put on a vanity plate? Some of the top vanity plates clearly have owners who pulled one over on the DMV and for their effort, you are implored to have a laugh with them and their inclusion on the list of hilarious license plates.