Former Child Actors Who Spoke Out About Child Abuse In Hollywood

Former Child Actors Who Spoke Out About Child Abuse In Hollywood

Ryan Davis
Updated July 3, 2024 4.1M views 14 items

The Amanda Byneses and Lindsay Lohans of the world prove that growing up as a child star in the entertainment industry is no easy feat. But some child actors (and potentially a lot more we don't know about) experience a much more sinister side when dealing with Hollywood's powerful higher-ups. After Elijah Wood and Corey Feldman blew the lid off Hollywood's pedophilia epidemic, the backlash and scrutiny on industry insiders has been unrelenting. Whether the media's focus will remain unwavering has yet to be decided, but the topic of child star sexual abuse has gone ignored and unnoticed for much too long. 

Although Wood and Feldman found the spotlight for their quotes on Hollywood's sexual abuse scandal, the issue has been highlighted from various other former child stars throughout the years. In 2014, documentarian Amy Berg released a controversial film called An Open Secret, which detailed former child stars' experiences of surviving sexual abuse. Berg's documentary is revolutionary for child stars who were abused but had their voices silenced. And it's no surprise that SAG and entertainment executives have made efforts to subdue Berg's whistleblowing.

Outside Berg's documentary, various other child stars have come forward on their own accord to talk about their trauma. Some of these stars you may remember, others you may have forgotten about altogether. But these former child actors have made valiant and courageous efforts to battle against Hollywood's history of sexual abuse. Here are the brave former child stars talking about child abuse.