The Best Introvert TV Characters

Ranker TV
Updated November 1, 2024 44.9K views 44 items
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9.8K votes
1.4K voters
5 reranks
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Vote up your favorite introverted TV characters

Great introvert TV characters show that being introverted is different - and about so, so much more - than just being shy, timid, or quiet. In fact, many of the introverts listed here - like INPJ Liz Lemon, INTJ Sheldon Cooper, and INFP Lisa Simpson - aren't really shy at all and have a multitude of unique characteristics. Lisa Simpson, from The Simpsons, one of the most popular animated TV shows of all time (obviously!)  and Darla, from her namesake show, are two popular examples of shy cartoon female characters.

These people are introverts in the sense that their inner world is more important to them than socializing, they can be intellectually intense, and are hyper-focused on their goals. While they may have the hardest time with small talk and crowds, these shows make it clear that they are incredibly strong in other ways.

Many TV characters who are introverts are more relatable to viewers than over the top extrovert TV characters. In fact, some viewers may even find fictional introverts more likable than their extrovert counterparts. Which of these introverted TV characters are your favorites? Vote up the characters that you love and add any others that you feel are missing. 

Most divisive: Diane Nguyen
Over 1.4K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Introvert TV Characters
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