The Greatest Jovial Fat Guys In TV History, Ranked

Ranker TV
Updated November 5, 2024 133.6K views 44 items
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13.6K votes
2.0K voters
2 reranks
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Vote for the greatest jovial guys on television who are on the heavier side.

List of the greatest jovial fat guys in TV history. From funny fat cartoon characters, to famous fat characters that weren't animated, this list has them all.

From cartoon fat guys (like Homer Simpson and Fred Flinstone) to real life fat guys (Drew Carey, George Lopez, and Jim Belushi in their self-titled shows), we have all of the stars covered. In the world of television tropes, few are as overused and yet as appreciated as the chubby best friend. We need Jerry on Parks and Recreation just as we need Danny DeVito on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia just as we need Jeff Garlin as Larry David's manager BFF on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Why? Because we need a comic relief from all the... comic relief.

Most divisive: Hitchcock
Over 2.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Greatest Jovial Fat Guys In TV History, Ranked
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