The Best Insults from Rick and Morty
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6.7K votes
1.3K voters
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Vote up the sassiest lines and best burns from the entire Rick and Morty series.
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- 1
Don't break an arm jerking yourself off.
Rick Sanchez, "Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind" - 2
Well, I don't like your unemployed genes in my grandchildren, Jerry, but life is made of little concessions.
Rick Sanchez, "Total Rickall" - 3
Today has been a total Morty; that's my new word for sh*t after today's events.
Rick Sanchez, "Mortynight Run" - 4
So your origin is what? You fell in a vat of redundancy?
Rick Sanchez, "Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender" - 5
I thought the whole point of having a dog was to feel superior, Jerry. If I were you, I wouldn't pull that thread.
Rick Sanchez, "Lawnmower Dog" - 6
It’s like the n-word and the c-word had a baby and it was raised by all the bad words for Jews.
Rick Sanchez, "Ricky Business"