The 125+ Best New Animated TV Shows
  • Photo:
    • Cartoon Network/Infinity Train, Disney Channel/The Owl House, DreamWorks Animation Television/Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts

The 125+ Best New Animated TV Shows

Ranker TV
Updated December 31, 2024 229.7K views 202 items
Ranked By
132.2K votes
12.3K voters
12 reranks
Voting Rules
Vote up the best animated series and cartoons that premiered their first season on or after January 1, 2019.
Latest additions: Isadora Moon, Wonder Pets: In the City, Dream Productions
Most divisive: Little Demon
Over 12.3K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Must-See Newer Animated Shows

Welcome to our definitive ranking of the top animated TV shows that have graced our screens since 2019. This meticulously curated list is a testament to the collective wisdom of animation aficionados worldwide. We're not just passionate about these shows; we're die-hard enthusiasts, and this list reflects our dedication to the animated art form.

Here, you won't find arbitrary rankings or subjective opinions. Instead, our rankings are shaped by the voice of the crowd—people like you who appreciate the magic of animated storytelling. Every show featured here has earned its place through the votes of viewers from all corners of the globe.

From heartwarming new kids' shows to action-packed superhero adventures and even daring adult-oriented cartoons, our selection covers the entire spectrum of animated television. Whether you're a fan of the enchanting world of The Owl House, the superheroic thrills of Invincible, the mind-bending tales of Love, Death, and Robots, or the surreal journey of The Midnight Gospel, we've got it all.

However, we must offer a word of caution. While Cartoon Network's Infinity Train offers family-friendly enjoyment, DC Universe's original series, Harley Quinn, ventures into more mature territory, making it a better choice for grown-up viewers.

So, if you're on the hunt for new animated TV shows to watch, look no further. Join the community of over 10 thousand animation enthusiasts and cast your vote for the best new animated TV series that have graced our screens in recent years. 

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