Who Is The Most Famous Rock Band In The World Right Now?

Ranker Music
Updated October 1, 2024 124.9K views 59 items
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65.9K votes
8.0K voters
5 reranks
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Vote up the current bands most well known today.

With so many great new bands out in 2021, as well as all-time greats who still tour, determining the most famous rock bands in the world right now is no easy task. Not only must you consider the top bands from the 21st century (even the most hipster bands), but you also have quite a few not-so-washed-up groups producing new albums and playing all over the world today. So, of all the bands out right now, both old and new, who do you think is the biggest band in the world in 2021?

From more modern rock bands like Twenty One Pilots and the ever-popular Radiohead, to rock bands who peaked decades ago, such as Journey and U2, you have many to consider in determining just who are the hottest rock bands right now. While it's hard for a 21st century band to compare to U2 (whether you like them or not), this isn't a list of the best bands ever. With this, there may be more fans of the Foo Fighters than those of Bono. Either way, these bands are comprised of some of the biggest rock stars today. So, who is the most famous rock band out right now? That's up to fans to decide.

Check out the list of active rock bands below, and vote up those who you think are the most famous. 

Most divisive: Metallica
Over 8.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Who Is The Most Famous Rock Band In The World Right Now?
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