The 60+ Best SNES RPGs, Ranked

Ranker Games
Updated December 15, 2024 320.1K views 62 items
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52.6K votes
10.0K voters
14 reranks
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Role-playing games that were released on the SNES. They do not have to be exclusives.

The best Super Nintendo RPG games introduced a generation of gamers to the term RPG. There's something about role-playing games that really capture your imagination and make you feel like you're part of another world. Your party always has colorful characters, the abilities you gain along the way are amazing, and boss battles are usually nothing short of epic. With so many great options to choose from, there was never a shortage of games to play for fans of the genre. Since some games were much better than others, we've decided to rank the top SNES RPGs of all time.

This list features the most popular and best-selling RPGs that were released for Super Nintendo. While many of these games were console exclusive, we're allowing non-exclusives to be a part of the list as well. Popular games featured on this list include everything from SNES classics like Chrono Trigger to Lufia & the Fortress of Doom, and more. Vote up all your favorite video games below.

Most divisive: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Over 10.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of SNES RPGs
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