Great Romance Movies Set During World War II
  • Photo:
    • Warner Bros./Casablanca, New Line Cinema/The Notebook

Great Romance Movies Set During World War II

Ranker Film
Updated October 2, 2024 148.8K views 49 items
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6.5K votes
2.6K voters
3 reranks
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Vote up your favorite love stories that take place during WWII.
Latest additions: White Bird
Most divisive: The End Of The Affair
Over 2.6K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Great Romance Movies Set During World War II

World War II, a period steeped in conflict, also sets the stage for some of the most compelling world war 2 romance movies. These films, amidst the turmoil of war, unfold beautiful tales of love, showcasing how deep connections can form even in the darkest times. This list, carefully put together and ranked by history film enthusiasts and fans, features a range of romantic war movies, each telling a unique story of love against the backdrop of war.

From the intense drama of Pearl Harbor to the heartfelt narrative of From Here to Eternity, and the expansive backdrop of Australia, these military romance movies offer a diverse look at love during wartime.

Among these, The English Patient stands out, not only capturing audiences' hearts but also earning widespread acclaim, including Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Director. Casablanca, another classic, remains an enduring romantic war movie, its love story transcending the challenges of war. This collection also includes other notable films like Black Book, The End of the Affair, and Shining Through, each a unique exploration of love and conflict.

Your input is crucial in shaping this list. By voting, you help identify which WW2 romance movies resonate most. And if there's a romantic military movie or a love story movie set during World War II that you adore and it's not yet listed, feel free to add it. Join this community of film lovers and share your passion for these timeless tales of love amidst war.

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