The 90 Best Black And White Movies Of All Time

Ranker Film
Updated December 15, 2024 92.1K views 91 items
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33.8K votes
2.3K voters
10 reranks
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Vote up the top monochrome BW films.
Latest additions: She Is Conann
Most divisive: The Gold Rush
Over 2.3K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 90 Best Black And White Movies Of All Time

Black and white films have a timeless charm and a unique aesthetic that continue to captivate audiences decades after their original release. Exploring the best black and white movies of all time shows us films that are known for their storytelling, expressive acting, and masterful direction. These classics are not just relics of the past; they are timeless pieces of art that have influenced generations of filmmakers.

Take It's a Wonderful Life, for example. Directed by Frank Capra, this heartwarming tale starring James Stewart is a perennial favorite during the holiday season, encapsulating themes of redemption and the impact of one individual's life. Then there's Casablanca, a romantic drama set against the backdrop of World War II, featuring the legendary performances of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. It's a film that has become iconic for its dialogue, music, and emotional depth. On a lighter note, It Happened One Night, directed by Frank Capra and starring Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert, is a pioneering screwball comedy that has influenced the romantic comedy genre for decades.

Now, it’s your turn to weigh in on these cinematic masterpieces. Vote on the top black and white films ever made and help celebrate the rich legacy of these enduring classics. Your votes will contribute to acknowledging the films that continue to inspire, entertain, and resonate with audiences across generations. Cast your vote and honor the brilliance of black and white cinema!

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