The 50+ Best Movies About Unrequited Love, Ranked

Ranker Film
Updated December 15, 2024 250.9K views 83 items
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14.9K votes
2.7K voters
5 reranks
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Fims that tell the tragic love stories of one-sided relationships and unreciprocated romance.
Latest additions: Am I Ok?, The Greatest Hits, Irish Wish
Most divisive: Bonnie and Clyde
Over 2.7K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 50+ Best Movies About Unrequited Love, Ranked

There’s nothing better than an inspirational romance movie, and there’s nothing more heartbreaking than a dramatic film about a love that never quite made it. We love stories about all kinds of love, but especially the unrequited kind. What are the best movies about unrequited love? Vote up the best unrequited love movies below and see where your favorites rank! And if your heart still yearns, check out the best TV shows about unrequited love.

The movies featured on this list feature a theme of heartbreaking, gut wrenching unrequited love. Most of these films would fall under a romance category; however, there are a few other genres included on this list as well, such as tragic or terminal romances. Maybe we love stories about unrequited love because it makes us feel better about our current love life situations; no matter what your interest in this category is there is sure to be a flick here you’ll love!

This list features the best movies about unrequited love including, The Notebook, Romeo and Juliet, Like Crazy, Casablanca, West Side Story, Brokeback Mountain, The English Patient, and The Last of the Mohicans. Vote up the best films about unrequited love below or add one you love that isn't already on the list.

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