100+ Movies About Toxic Relationships, Ranked
  • Photo:
    • 20th Century Fox/Gone Girl, Netflix/Marriage Story

100+ Movies About Toxic Relationships, Ranked

Ranker Film
Updated December 30, 2024 135.4K views 83 items
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4.5K votes
1.0K voters
4 reranks
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Movies about dysfunctional or just plain bad relationships. No horror movies.
Latest additions: 99 Moons, Divorce in the Black, Tall, Dark and Dangerous
Most divisive: Lars and the Real Girl
Over 1.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of 100+ Movies About Toxic Relationships, Ranked

There's a certain allure to watching the best movies about toxic relationships, where love and pain are entwined like a cinematic dance. Our Ranker community, with over 950 votes, has ranked the most compelling of these films, where Fear, Gone Girl, and Candy top the charts. These relationship movies reflect the good, the bad, and the ugly of romantic entanglements, reminding us of the razor-thin line between passion and poison.

From psychological thrillers to heart-wrenching dramas, this collection spans a breadth of toxic love movies that are as instructive as they are entertaining. Whether it's the devastating portrayal of a relationship gone sour in Revolutionary Road or the twisted love story in Gone Girl, these films offer a gripping look at toxic romance movies.

For those who prefer streaming, we've included movies about toxic relationships on Netflix, where you can find modern tales of complicated relationships alongside classics. Not all stories are of despair, however, as some movies about healthy relationships also make an appearance, providing a beacon of hope in a sea of tumultuous love stories.

Whether you're in the mood for a toxic love movie or looking for examples of movie relationships that weather the storm, there's a film on this list to meet your needs. So curl up with someone special—or enjoy the solitude—and delve into the highs and lows of love with the best toxic relationship movies, as chosen by movie lovers like you.

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