The Best Kids Movies Based On Books

Ranker Film
Updated December 15, 2024 35.6K views 49 items
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9.8K votes
863 voters
5 reranks
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Vote up the best movies based on books for kids to watch.
Latest additions: Wicked, Harold and the Purple Crayon
Most divisive: The Tale of Despereaux
Over 800 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Kids Movies Based On Books

These days, parents are spoiled for choice when it comes to entertainment for their kids. Whether it's the newest superhero movie for the older kids, or Pixar's latest hit, there are more options than ever. But writers have been entertaining kids since long before movies ever existed, and there are hundreds, if not thousands, of amazing stories available at the click of a button.

Not only are these movies based on kids books fun, funny and exciting, they can be a wonderful gateway to the world of reading for younger kids. Child development specialists have been vocal about the benefits of reading for children of all ages, and there are numerous studies linking reading to increased brain health and better social skills.

If you're curious what book adaptation films can kids watch, you've come to the right place. All of these movies are rated G or PG, and are suitable for most children.

So if you're looking for good book adaptation movies for kids, you've come to the right place! Whether it's Dr. Seuss or JK Rowling, here are some great films that will entertain both you and your kids. Feel free to add items, and don't forget to vote up the very best movies for kids based on books!

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