Which Actor Would You Bring Back for One Final Movie?

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Updated October 19, 2023 139.7K views 180 items
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273.4K votes
14.0K voters
43 reranks
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Vote up the actors you wish would come back from the dead.

We asked, you answered. Fans of the Ranker Facebook page chose which dead actors they’d like to bring back to life for just one more movie. Do you agree with their choices?

From old Hollywood stars like Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe to more recent actors who died young, we’d welcome back any of these great talents with open arms. We started with a few suggestions (like Paul Walker, Health Ledger, and Patrick Swayze), and Ranker fans added their own on Facebook. Now, it’s time to vote. Who do you miss the most?

Which of these dead actors do you wish you could bring back to life for one final movie? Vote up the stars you think should get a second chance on Earth and on the big screen. Don’t see your favorite actor who passed away? Add them! Maybe wishing will make it so! If not, we’ll just have to wait until we get to Heaven to see these famous faces yet again. Until then, at least we have their past films to fill our time! RIP to these actors who passed away.

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