What Happened After These 13 Historical Movies Ended?

Quinn Armstrong
Updated July 3, 2024 170.9K views 13 items
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Vote up the historical aftermaths that lessen the impact of the movie.

When the credits roll on your average Hollywood blockbuster, the audience is left to speculate about what will happen after the hero rides off into the sunset. In the case of a historical movie, however, there may be a little less to wonder about.

Some of the best-loved historical movies end without giving the audience critical pieces of context. What happened after the von Trapps escaped? Did William Wallace's sacrifice mean freedom for the Scots? Unlike many other movies, there are answers out there for the patient viewer or history buff. For many, this kind of research enriches and enlivens a movie, providing context and a larger view of the period. It also means the true history movie buff can watch several movies about the same period and allow them all to inform each other. For example, Netflix's Outlaw King takes place more or less exactly where Braveheart finishes. In this way, historical movies are actually the largest and most interconnected cinematic universe there is.

So whether you're a history buff, a completionist film nerd, or just a curious casual viewer, check out this list that explains what happened after historical movies ended.