The 100+ Greatest Anime Characters Of All Time
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    • Studio Pierrot
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The 100+ Greatest Anime Characters Of All Time

Ranker Community
Updated January 3, 2025 1.3M views 267 items
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3.0M votes
215.8K voters
179 reranks

Welcome to the definitive list of the best anime characters of all time, as voted by passionate fans just like you! If you've ever found yourself captivated by the depth, complexity, and absolute awesomeness of anime characters, then you're in for a treat as these are truly some of the coolest anime characters you'll find. This ultimate list brings together the iconic heroes, anti-heroes, villains, sidekicks, and main characters in anime that have left a lasting impact on the world.

What popular names what you expect to see on a list of the best anime characters ever? We've included the top favorites in the many amazing manga and anime offerings out there, including the superb classics and the most beloved characters. You've got some of the strongest anime and manga protagonists, like the fictional protagonist of the Dragon Ball series Son Goku, and the most clever, like the detective L in the series Death Note. These are among the many unique stars of some of the best anime series of all time. (Be sure to head over to that list and cast your votes, if you haven't already.) 

From well known supporting roles and to those famous anime main characters, it's also worth noting that not all of the great anime characters listed here are among the so-called “good guys.” In fact, some are among the worst, highly powerful, and most notorious anime villains. From beloved protagonists to fanatical antagonists, this list covers a diverse array of characters from a wide range of genres, from action-packed shonen to heart-wrenching drama and everything in between. If you have a soft spot for brooding bad boys, quirky comedic relief, or fierce warrior maidens, know there's something for every anime-loving soul on this list.

Whether you're a casual viewer or a die-hard otaku, this list is a celebration of the diverse, multifaceted characters and personalities that have become cultural icons. Get ready to relive the iconic moments, feel the powerful emotions, and celebrate the characters that have earned a special place in our hearts. Who's your top pick on the list? Popularity determines the order, so be sure to vote for your own personal favorites, add any characters that might be missing and, of course, rerank this list of greatest anime characters in any order you want.

If you're a huge anime fan, once you're done voting for these famous anime characters, you might also want to check out this list of the best anime fan communities on the web. A fan community can be a great way to connect with other people who share a common passion for anime, manga, and otaku style!

Most divisive: Laxus Dreyar
Over 215.8K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 100+ Greatest Anime Characters Of All Time
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