Obnoxious TV Characters That Almost Make You Want To Stop Watching Your Favorite Shows

Mick Jacobs
Updated July 10, 2024 22.9K views 36 items
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16.8K votes
2.9K voters
2 reranks
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Vote up the characters who ruined your favorite TV shows.

Even in the lauded golden age of television, terrible characters who ruin your favorite TV shows remain a staple in everyone's Hulu, HBO, and Netflix queues. The characters ruining your TV shows are not necessarily villains or rivals to your favorite characters; in fact they might easily be the main character. Anyone familiar with Gossip Girl knows the feeling of following a regrettable character who brings the show down. The funny thing is, people hate different characters for a variety of reasons, and we decided to ask you, the readers, which characters ruin your favorite TV show?

Included below are your answers along with your reasons why, pulled from our Facebook page. Your answers show a distaste for characters ranging from Everybody Hates Raymond to The Walking Dead, many who would be considered the worst TV characters of all time. But as much as you despise the commonly hated characters, you revealed a number of personal grudges towards a few characters too. Altogether, however, you all appear to really, really hate Debbie Gallagher.

Most divisive: The Police On 'Cops'
Over 2.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Obnoxious Characters on Great Shows
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