The Great Debate Around Near-Death Experiences
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- Jesse Krauß
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The experience of being close to passing but being brought back to life has caused much debate in recent science. Many people who have experienced such a moment have described not only a transcendental sensation of floating and a reunion with deceased family but also a degree of cognitive awareness. Science has traditionally explained this near-death phenomenon as a physical experience that coincides with a brain that's fading. It's the neurochemical response to a brain deprived of blood and oxygen.
Nonetheless, science has continued to dig for better answers, as countless numbers of these experiences seem remarkably similar.
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Our Bodies Shut Down Gradually, Not All At Once
Speaking to Newsweek, Dr. Sam Parnia went into detail about what transpires at a cellular level. He stated that the cells in our bodies don't automatically shut down following our passing, but rather they gradually move towards a "death" of their own:
I’m not saying the brain still works, or any part of you still works once you've died. But the cells don't instantly switch from alive to dead. Actually, the cells are much more resilient to the heart stopping - to the person dying - than we used to understand.
And as it turns out, our cells are not only gradually shutting down, it's possible they're multiplying, according to Peter Noble, a microbiology professor at the University of Washington. When conducting research on both mice and zebrafish, he found that cells were actually growing in number following the subjects' passing:
We didn't anticipate that [...] Can you imagine, 24 hours after [time of death] you take a sample and the transcripts of the genes are actually increasing in abundance? That was a surprise.
This gradual shutdown could certainly help to validate the claim that we're somewhat conscious following our own demise.
Scientists Suggest That Consciousness Might Survive
- Photo:
- William Simpson/One of the wards in the hospital at Scutari
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Researchers in New York recently moved closer to answering the question of what happens after we die - at least, in the immediate sense. The team of researchers found that while the heart stops, the brain continues to function slightly. Specifically, the part of the brain that keeps functioning post-mortem is the part which is responsible for consciousness.
This finding is significant in that we get to experience our final moments objectively, even though we can't interact or function otherwise.
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But What Is Consciousness?
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- Socrates in Thomas Stanley History of Philosophy (circa 1655)
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Consciousness, in the simplest definition, is awareness. However, the neuroscience behind awareness is not well understood - at least not as well understood as neuroscientists would like. The human brain has billions of interacting neurons that process information.
The heart pumps blood to the rest of the body, including the brain, so that it can function. When our human brain absorbs and computes information that we take in, some scientists believe this is the phenomenon of consciousness.
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And What Is The Medical Definition Of Death?
Medically, expiration occurs when the heart stops circulating blood. When the heart stops pumping blood to the rest of the body, the brain ceases to function. The lack of blood circulation causes the body's temperature to drop and also causes breathing to cease. Without the blood flow of oxygen to the brain, the organ begins the process of dying along with the rest of the body.
If the brain is the control center for life, the heart is the core component that feeds the brain to keep it operating. When the heart stops pumping blood and breathing stops, clinical death has occurred.
The New Evidence That Proves Consciousness After Passing
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- Helmut Januschka
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- CC BY-SA 3.0
Dr. Sam Parnia, director of critical care and resuscitation research at NYU Langone School of Medicine in New York City, and his team recently advanced the concept that we know we're gone after we've passed. Dr. Parnia's team explains that they agree with the traditional notion that death occurs when the brain stops receiving blood from the heart. So, the team of doctors and researchers reviewed cardiac arrest patients. The results of their research revealed that the brain expires slower than the heart.
Even after we're clinically gone, we're aware of our surroundings - and of our recent demise.
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