This list of famous Sagittarius celebrities is a cross-section of all the most notable celebrity Sagittarius men and women and a great way to understand Sagittarius traits. Those born between November 22 - December 21 fall under the Sagittarius star sign and are known for being independent and emotional. Some of the most popular and hottest celebrities of all time have been born under the Sagittarius zodiac sign.
Celebrity astrology is an interesting topic to follow. Many famous actors, musicians, rappers, and politicians have a desire to be in the spotlight, which a common trait of the Sagittarius. Oscar-winning directors Steven Spielberg and Kathryn Bigelow; acclaimed actors Julianne Moore, Brad Pitt, Jamie Foxx, Scarlett Johansson, and Christopher Plummer; musicians and rappers Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, and Ludwig van Beethovan; athletes Joe DiMaggio, Monica Seles, and Boris Becker; authors Mark Twain, George Saunders, John Milton, and Jane Austen; and politicians Winston Churchill, Martin Van Buren, and Joseph Stalin are just a few of the most famous Sagittarius women and men. What do they have in common? What are the top Sagittarius qualities? These well-known Sagittarians have personalities that reflect a desire for adventure and excitement. Many Sagittarius are independent and feel the need to be free. Your favorite celebrity may be a Sagittarius, and now you'll have a glimpse into this celebrity star sign.
Who are the most famous Sagittarius people from history and current pop culture? The most notable celebrity Sagittarians whose birthdays fall under this star sign share many characteristics. This famous Sagittarius list includes some, but certainly not all, of the most well-known Sagittarius to ever make names for themselves.
Wondering who is compatible with a Sagittarius? Check out the list of signs compatible with Sagittarius and find your answer. You might share some Sagittarius traits with some of the most famous people in the world!