Moments From Our Favorite Vampire Movies That We Can Really Sink Our Teeth Into
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When it comes to films and franchises about creatures and monsters, nothing is more loved than vampires. Movies about vampires and the lore surrounding them have become such a fan-favorite genre over the years. With rich storytelling and a cast of interesting characters, it's no wonder why this particular subgenre has lasted so long. But, certain movies and moments really manage to stay with audiences throughout the years, and everyone has favorites.
Check out these moments from our favorite vampire movies.
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Claudia Has A Breakdown In 'Interview with the Vampire'
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Memorable moment? - 2
The Blood Rave In 'Blade'
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Memorable moment? - 3
Dracula Urges Mina To See Him In 'Bram Stoker's Dracula'
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Memorable moment? - 4
Count Vladislaus Dracula Dances With Anna In 'Van Helsing'
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Memorable moment? - 5
Selene Bites Michael In 'Underworld'
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Memorable moment? - 6
Davis Tricks Michael In 'The Lost Boys'
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Memorable moment?