Awesome 'Supernatural' Cast Interviews That Remind Us Why It's Our Favorite Show

Linda Meyers
Updated October 14, 2020 27.4K views 15 items
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696 voters
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Vote up your favorite interview moments and tidbits from the cast of 'Supernatural.'

With shows that have been on TV as long as Supernatural, it's inevitable that fans become so emotionally attached to the stories and characters they've been watching for so many years (15!). Characters like the Winchester brothers Sam and Dean, and the angelic Castiel become a part of the household over hundreds of episodes.

Likewise, the Supernatural cast have also grown close while working together over the years, leading to plenty of heartwarming and hilarious interactions and interviews between them. So here's a whole bunch of those funny interview moments all gathered in one place, from the playful bickering to the awesome fan interactions. Vote up your favorites, and enjoy these awesome interviews from one of your favorite casts on TV!