Hilarious Jared Padalecki Interviews That Could Get You Through The Apocalypse

Linda Meyers
October 14, 2020 139.3K views 20 items
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Vote up your favorite Jared Padalecki interview moments and tidbits.

Sam Winchester might be the younger brother, but there's no Supernatural without him! That means the show also just wouldn't be the same without the fantastic actor behind the character: Jared Padalecki. Sure, some people prefer Dean, or Jensen Ackles, but if you're a big time Sam/Jared fan, this is the place for you!

Over the ten years Jared has been working on and doing interviews for Supernatural, he's had quite a few funny and cool moments. So here are some of the best all gathered in one place. Vote up your favorite interviews and funny quotes from Jared Paladecki, then head on over to some of our many other hilarious Supernatural lists for more great content when you're done!