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our lists, reordered by you
- 27reranksRank it yourselfThe Most Inspiring (Non-Hollywood) Female Role Models
- #1 Your Own MomHeavily Upvoted
- #2 Marie CurieOften listed #1 and Top 5 in Reranks
- #3 Jane GoodallHeavily Upvoted
- 45reranksRank it yourselfThe Best Kid Characters From Movies
- #1 Hermione GrangerOften listed #1 and Most Votes
- #2 Luna LovegoodHeavily Upvoted
- #3 Harry PotterTop 5 in Reranks and Heavily Upvoted
- 56reranksRank it yourselfThe Biggest Turn Ons in a Person
- #6 SmileTop 5 in Reranks and Heavily Upvoted
- #8 EyesMost Votes and Most Up Votes
- #11 IntelligenceOften Listed and Heavily Upvoted
- 36reranksRank it yourselfThe Best Qualities in a Woman
- #2 LoyalHeavily Upvoted
- #3 SupportiveHeavily Upvoted
- #5 LovingOften listed #1 and Top 5 in Reranks