Weird Things We Didn’t Know About Lead Singers Of Bands

Lauren Glen
Updated November 1, 2024 34.5K views 12 items



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When it comes to creating great music, eccentricity seems to fuel the mesmerizing drum lines, fluid rifts, and relatable lyrics that touch our souls. The personal quirks that musicians often embody seem to create larger-than-life personas that match the incredible sounds they orchestrate in their minds and record for our listening pleasure. 

And while music continues to evolve from the now classic sounds of the ‘50s to the grunge music of the ‘90s and beyond into the current era, the artists who create the beats we happily blast in our cars and in our earbuds remain reliably mysterious, edgy, and sometimes shocking. While these rock ‘n’ roll personas can sometimes grow to the point that their rumored experiences sound more like urban legends than musical history fact, the following stories are entirely true.