How the Cast of The O.C. Aged Throughout the Show

Jessica Lawshe
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Vote up the cast members whose looks changed the most between the first and last seasons.

The Fox drama The O.C. premiered on August 5, 2003, and when it did, it not only got Phantom Planet's song "California" permanently stuck in our heads, but it also gave us a look into the lavish mansions and lifestyles of Newport Beach, CA. In such an insular, cliquish society, it's not much of a surprise that everyone always looked damn good - and hardly appeared to age. 

Though the show only aired four seasons, the characters went through a number of ups and downs - from jail to alcohol addiction, death, pregnancies (yes, plural), and marriage - all without ever seeming to age much at all. The O.C. taught us about family, friendship, Chrismukkah, Death Cab for Cutie, and what it means to be young and rich. 

In the world of Newport Beach, where Botox is a-plenty, it makes sense that the characters from The O.C. hardly aged from Season 1 through Season 4. But looking the same for several years can be tough for an actor. So take a look at these before-and-after photos of your favorite O.C. cast members, and see how well they maintained their character's look over four long years.