19 US Maps That Show The Darkest Ways The Country Is Divided

19 US Maps That Show The Darkest Ways The Country Is Divided

Jamaal Armstrong
March 10, 2020 325.9K views 19 items

America is the home of the free and the land of the brave, but there's a lot of darkness behind all of that red, white, and blue. Not only are maps great teaching tools, they can also be used to llustrate the creepiest facts about the United States, with inhuman dots around the country representing all of the random and tragic occurrences we face daily.

Below are the darkest and most compelling submissions from the r/mapp*rn subreddit that left us seeing the United States in a new, much creepier light. 

  • All The Plane Crashes Since 1953 With More Than 100 Fatalities 
  • Births Vs. Deaths, 2018
  • Reportedly Haunted Locations 
  • Firearm Homicides Per 100,000 In US Cities Compared To Other Countries 
  • Childhood Asthma Caused By Pollution