'Supernatural' Storylines With Loose Ends That Could Be A New Series

'Supernatural' Storylines With Loose Ends That Could Be A New Series

Henry Adams
Updated December 19, 2024 10 items
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718 votes
148 voters
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Vote up the 'Supernatural' storylines that should start a spin-off series. 

For fans of the long-running TV series Supernatural, there are countless storylines and characters that have left a lasting impact and are dearly missed. From the emotional tale of Bobby Singer and his surrogate father relationship with the Winchester brothers, to the complex dynamics of the angel Castiel and his struggles with his angelic brethren, there are numerous threads that fans have connected with. 

However, over 15 seasons, there were bound to be a few storylines that never got a proper ending. From unresolved plot points such as the fate of Chuck/God to the forgotten Anti-Christ, there are many things that deserve its very own spin-off.

Vote up the Supernatural plot points and characters that should have gone on longer.


  • 1

    The Anti-Christ

    The Anti-Christ

    From Redditor u/SatanLadd:

    I want the anti-Christ back. It's been 10 years, dude will be 22 by the end of the season. He has to be incredibly strong by now. So how does he truly fair in the grand scheme of things now?

    94 votes
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  • 2

    More Cain

    More Cain

    From Redditor u/WhiteWhiteBlackOne:

    Not sure if this fits here since it was closed and we got the full story from it, but I wish Cain would have stuck around for longer. The actor was amazing and Cain was a bad*ss character that could have been amazing with more screen time.

    75 votes
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  • 3

    The Roadhouse

    The Roadhouse

    From Redditor u/jelly_fishh:

    The concept of the Roadhouse. Apparently, it burned because Kripke hated it, but hunter networks/a place for hunters to touch base would have been nice. It seems they tried to have a similar thing again several times with Sam leading groups of hunters out of the Bunker, but it always only lasts for a handful of episodes.

    70 votes
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  • 4

    Eve, The Mother Of Monsters

    Eve, The Mother Of Monsters

    From Redditor u/last_alchemyst:

    Eve in season 6. She was a better Big Bad than the angel war and could’ve been pulled into a two-season arc with Leviathan more convincingly.

    82 votes
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  • 5



    From Redditor u/Animalion:

    What is a Seraph actually? All they've done is mentioned Cas is one but never what that means or why they are so rare, we've only seen about two in existence in the show (Castiel and Akobel).

    73 votes
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  • 6

    Deanmon And Souless Sam

    Deanmon And Souless Sam

    From Redditor u/Cosmic_Cre:

    Demon Dean and Soulless Sam should have had longer runs.

    87 votes
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