12 Hard-To-Believe But Shockingly Plausible Stories About Mick Jagger
He Reportedly Had An Affair With Donald Trump's Girlfriend
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Carla Bruni, wife of former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, had a prolonged dalliance with Mick Jagger in the early '90s. When the two met, he was still with Jerry Hall, and she was dating Eric Clapton, who allegedly begged Jagger to not go after her. Bruni, who was a model at the time, reportedly became rapt with Jagger and the two carried on a lengthy affair. It continued even after she moved on to another relationship, one with Donald Trump, who later became the President of the United States.
Trump would later remark Bruni was "desperately stuck" on Jagger, and that her affections likely caused the two to split up. Whether or not Bruni and Jagger still speak is a mystery, but at some point in the mid-2000s, Nicolas Sarkozy turned down a Paris apartment for himself and his wife, allegedly over concerns about the next door neighbor: Mick Jagger.
He Attempted To Seduce Geraldo Rivera
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- Jan Arkesteijn
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Former talk show host Geraldo Rivera – now a Fox News talking head – seems like an unlikely candidate to party with the Stones, but he said it happened at some point in the summer of 1972. As the story goes, the now-conservative Rivera was hosting a party in his Manhattan apartment, and Mick Jagger and his friend, dancer Rudolf Nureyev, were guests.
When Rivera went to the kitchen to make some drinks, Jagger and Nureyev snuck up and sandwiched him, with Jagger suggesting they were going to "break him in." Rivera managed to slither away, and has since made enough homophobic comments to suggest the incident made him spectacularly uncomfortable.
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He Allegedly Bought A Multi-Million Pound Mansion While On Illicit Substances
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- MusikAnimal
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Stargroves is a massive estate in Hampshire, England, built in the mid-1800s. Sitting on some 850 acres of land, the sprawling Victorian property was purchased by Mick Jagger in 1970, while he was tripping on LSD, according to a manuscript that publisher John Blake claimed is a memoir written by Jagger. The story goes that Jagger was high on acid while touring the property, and he suddenly climbed on top of a horse. Oh, and he had never been on a horse before.
The horse bucked and reared, but Jagger calmed it before casually deciding to buy the mansion.
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He Left A Date With Angelina Jolie For A One-Night Stand With Farrah Fawcett
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- Mlang.Finn
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In 1997, 23-year-old Angelina Jolie made an appearance in the Rolling Stones' video for their single "Anybody Seen My Baby?" After shooting wrapped, Mick Jagger became taken with Jolie, and reportedly asked her out for weeks before she finally relented.
According to Christopher Anderson, author of Mick: The Wild Life and Mad Genius of Jagger, the legendary singer pulled a remarkably brazen maneuver while on a date with Jolie, one that would doom the couple's romantic fate. While the two were out at a party, Jagger disappeared with actress Farrah Fawcett, apparently for a one night stand.
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He's Slept With Over 4,000 Women
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Kiss bassist Gene Simmons claims to have slept with 4,897 women, which, while an exact figure, might trump Mick Jagger. But not by much. According to biographer Christopher Andersen, the Rolling Stones' frontman has gone to bed with over 4,000 women, at least some of whom are also quite famous.
Jagger's Dealer Was Secretly A Canadian Actor Hired To Bust Him By the Government
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- Leahtwosaints
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In 1967, police descended on Keith Richards's home in West Sussex, England, uncovering small amounts of heroin, LSD, and marijuana. Richards had been hosting a small party at his new mansion, and Mick Jagger and a few other friends were in attendance as 18 police officers barged in for a rather paltry bust. Richards and Jagger were arrested, and though the amount of contraband was miniscule, the government seemed intent on making them do time.
Jagger ended up only spending three nights in prison, and very little came of the case, though it was a media sensation. Interestingly, the tip-off to both the FBI and the MI5 came from Jagger's friend and drug dealer, David "The Acid King" Sniderman. It turned out, Sniderman was a Canadian actor whom the government agencies had hired to take down the group, which was seen as a threat to the establishment.
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