The Schwiftiest Rick and Morty Characters

Greg Hahn
Updated July 3, 2024 70.7K views 75 items
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72.2K votes
6.3K voters
2 reranks
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Vote up your favorite characters in the Rick and Morty multiverse.

Jumping into the Rick and Morty universe is like being on a wild rollercoaster, surrounded by characters who are a mix of the hilariously weird to the outright evil. That's why we've taken it upon ourselves to see how all of the best Rick and Morty characters of all time stack up against each other.

Of course, no list of the schwiftiest Rick and Morty characters would be complete without the genius, albeit morally questionable, grandpa Rick Sanchez. And who could forget the delightfully peculiar Mr. Poopybutthole, who's both a friend and a bit of an enigma? Then there's Evil Morty, whose dark ambitions deliver some of the series' most jaw-dropping moments. These characters only scratch the surface of the diverse universe created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland. So, buckle up as we explore characters that define the epic craziness that is Rick and Morty - be sure to vote on your favorites.

Most divisive: Photography Raptor
Over 6.3K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Schwiftiest Rick and Morty Characters
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