The Greatest Hanukkah TV Episodes, Ranked

Erin Cody
Updated December 23, 2024 11 items
Voting Rules
Vote up your favorite episodes that celebrate the Festival of Lights.

Though there are sadly fewer TV episodes celebrating Hanukkah as compared to the wealth of Christmas specials, a few bright spots stand out like glowing menorah candles. There are, of course, also a few misshapen dreidels that refuse to land on “gimel” (the winning symbol on the holiday spinner, for those who have never played), but they are still better than nothing at all.

Examples such as the Rugrats episode of  “Chanukah” is a classic beloved by all, as is “The One with the Holiday Armadillo” episode of Friends, but there are also a few you’re likely not familiar with, such as The Goldbergs' “A Christmas Story,” which follows a Jewish family in the 1980s who celebrate “Super Hanukkah,” and the Even Stevens holiday special “Heck of a Hanukkah,” which sees the show’s rapscallion protagonist receive a visit from the ghost of his great-great-great-grandmother. 

So which Hanukkah episodes are your favorites? 

  • 1

    Rugrats - 'Chanukah'

    Season 4, episode 1

    A holiday special that taught millions of children about the Festival of Lights in a fun, accessible way, the Rugrats are to Hanukkah what the Peanuts are to Christmas. The episode sees the pack of adventurous kiddos acting out the story of Hanukkah. Featuring iconic lines such as, “A Macababy’s gotta do what a Macababy’s gotta do,” Tommy play-acting Hanukkah hero Judah Maccabee, and Angelica explaining the correct pronunciation of the holiday (“You have to ‘chhhh’ when you say it!”), the episode is both a classic and a great intro to the holiday.

    43 votes
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  • 2

    The Goldbergs - 'A Christmas Story'

    The Goldbergs - 'A Christmas Story'

    Season 3, episode 9

    The Goldbergs Hanukkah episode addresses the Christmas envy felt among some Jewish American families. As an antidote, mariarch Beverly creates a new holiday she calls “Super Hanukkah.” With festive tinsel and presents under a Hanukkah bush, she hilariously tacks on to the story of the Festival of Lights, causing a little Christmas confusion. The family, of course, eventually unites with the Jewish American tradition of Chinese food on Christmas.

    18 votes
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  • 3

    Even Stevens - 'Heck Of A Hanukkah'

    Season 1, episode 15

    In the role that launched his strange career, Shia LaBeouf plays Louis Stevens, who makes a whole lot of holiday mischief. He is grounded after opening all the Hanukkah presents, then gets visited It’s A Wonderful Life-style by the spirit of his great-great-great-grandmother. It’s a sweet, kooky episode to enjoy with the whole family.

    22 votes
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  • 4

    Arthur - 'Arthur's Perfect Christmas'

    Arthur - 'Arthur's Perfect Christmas'

    Season 1, Holiday Special

    Featuring a Hanukkah subplot in which Francine has to miss a friend’s Christmas party because her family is celebrating the last night of Hanukkah together, the episode presents different types of families and ways of celebrating the holiday season. In a touching moment, Muffy finally comes to realize that the Festival of Lights is just as important to Francine as how she feels about Christmas.

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  • 5

    Friends - 'The One With The Holiday Armadillo' 

    Friends - 'The One With The Holiday Armadillo' 

    Season 7, episode 10

    A hilarious classic episode, Ross dresses in costume to capture his son’s interest in learning about the Festival of Lights, but the only costume available to rent is an armadillo. A half-Jewish kid, Ben knows a lot more about Christmas than Hanukkah, but he gladly focuses on learning about the miracle of Hanukkah once Santa also expresses interest. The whole crew then comes together to light the menorah. The touching, funny episode spotlights the importance of family and friendship during the holiday season, regardless of faith or beliefs.

    40 votes
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  • 6

    The Nanny - 'The Hanukkah Story'

    The Nanny - 'The Hanukkah Story'

    Season 6, episode 10

    Fran, the fabulous Jewish protagonist of the hit sitcom, teaches the children she nannies about the Festival of Lights. When asked why Jewish holidays begin at sundown, she responds in her trademark nasally voice, “That’s because God realized that before 5 pm, to wear sequins is gauche.” The episode features flashbacks to her childhood, a ceremonious menorah lighting, and a Hanukkah miracle. 

    25 votes
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