All of Rick Sanchez's Gadgets From 'Rick and Morty'
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All of Rick Sanchez's Gadgets From 'Rick and Morty'

Eric Luis
Updated October 1, 2024 26 items
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2.8K votes
351 voters
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Vote up the inventions from 'Rick and Morty' you *BURP* totally want, broh.

Rick and Morty's Rick Sanchez isn't exactly a pillar of the community. Still, there's no denying his super genius abilities. It seems like there is no situation he can't invent himself out of, even when he's going up against himself. Rick and Morty is full of crazy gadgets, so many that it's hard to remember them all. Whipping up new gadgets like the interdimensional cable box on a bored whim, Rick Sanchez's inventions range from spacefaring vehicles, to super advanced weaponry, to even the occasional butter robot. If these gadgets are nothing new to you, watch more shows like Rick and Morty.

All the gadgets in Rick and Morty, like the show's characters, are objectively schwifty, but how much do you really know about them? Do you remember which episode they were first introduced in, or what Rick-diculous situation they were invented to solve? We got your back, broh, with all of Rick Sanchez's creations. 

Most divisive: Abradolf Lincler
Over 300 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of All of Rick Sanchez's Gadgets From 'Rick and Morty'

  • 1

    Portal Gun

    Episode it's introduced: "Pilot" (Season 1, episode 1)

    What it does: Rick's trusty portal gun is at the center of nearly every one of his adventures. He uses it to seemlessly travel through different dimensions.

    181 votes
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  • 2

    Rick's Space Cruiser

    Episode it's introduced: "Pilot" (Season 1, episode 1)

    What it does: Other than the portal gun, this is Rick's primary mode of transportation. He made it out of things he found in Morty's garage. It is equipped with numerous weapons, some of which are used to "keep Summer safe" in "The Ricks Must be Crazy" (Season 2, episode 6).

    145 votes
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  • 3

    Meeseeks Box

    Episode it's introduced: "Meeseeks and Destroy" (Season 1, episode 5)

    What it does: A simple push of the button produces a Mr. Meeseeks, a friendly blue entity who's willing to do anything in his power to help the user accomplish their goals. 

    Meeseeks dematerialize when their task is completed, but a Meeseeks that cannot complete his task will anguish over his continued existance until he's put out of his misery. 

    128 votes
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  • 4

    Interdimensional Cable Box

    Episode it's introduced: "Rixty Minutes" (Season 1, episode 8)

    What it does: This cable box can be used to watch television from all over the multiverse. Rick and Morty regularly watch Interdimensional Cable to pass the time. 

    136 votes
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  • 5

    Time Freezer

    Episode it's introduced: "Ricksy Business" (Season 1, episode 11)

    What it does: Rick doesn't fully remember what this device is called, but he uses it to freeze time all around him. He, Morty, and Summer use it to stop Beth and Jerry from discovering the damage to their house caused by a crazy party. 

    124 votes
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  • 6

    Emergency Bionic Arm

    Episode it's introduced: "The ABC's of Beth" (Season 3, episode 9)

    What it does: This portable bionic arm can be used as a quick replacement in cases of emergency. After Rick loses an arm in a scuffle with a mutated Froopy creature, Rick jams the device in his arm socket and the bionic arm automatically activates.

    99 votes
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