Schwifty AF Rick And Morty Merchandise You Should Buy To Fill The Empty Void In Your Soul

Eric Luis
Updated November 9, 2023 20.9K views 18 items
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982 votes
189 voters
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Vote up the merchandise that even Summer would find interesting.

Aww yeah! Time to get schwifty with all these dope Rick and Morty products! For those of you in search of gift ideas for Rick and Morty fans, this list has got you covered, bro. Everyone will know you're the coolest cat in the multiverse when you show up to school/work/intergalactic prison with all this cool Rick and Morty gear. Most fans already know of the cool Rick  and Morty fan art out there, but it constitutes only a small fraction of the fantastic merch available. Schwifty merchandise based on Rick and Morty appeals to everyone, unless you're a Jerry, in which case, shut up and whip out your schmeckles!

You know, plenty of fine people out there on the Internet who want to know where to buy Rick's portal gun. Other fans maybe want to be prepared for a trip around the various multiverses of Rick and Morty, and this gear will certainly give them an advantage during their travels. In all honesty, your friends already own at least one Harry Potter or Avengers themed item, and you want to show your geeky friends you are deep like the fourth dimension. Fan feelings are important and valuable, just like all this Rick and Morty swag! Seriously, buy Rick and Morty stuff! Wubba lubba dub dub!

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