We're here to determine what are and are not appropriate in-plane behaviors. Vote up anything you'd consider rude, annoying, or offensive, and vote down the benign plane actions that you think are perfectly in line with good airplane etiquette. The results will hopefully make us all more courteous of our fellow fliers.
Sometimes it can seem as if all normal social etiquette and human behavior goes out the window on an airplane. Perhaps it's the giddiness of a trip, the confined space and ensuing cabin fever, or merely a lot of cranky, tired passengers thinking first and foremost of themselves. But part of the problem may be that there are no defined, black and white laws of the sky or social rules of airplanes that dictate what is and isn't acceptable.
After all, if reclining one's seat or summoning the flight attendant are rude, why do buttons exist for each? Is the middle seat passenger entitled to more armrest rights than those seated in the aisle or the window? Is it anyone else's business if one orders five cocktails, or watches a NSFW movie, or eats a tuna salad sandwich?
- 1
Watch A Movie Or Listen To Music Without Headphones
- 2
Hog Both Armrests*
- 3
Ask A Stranger For Some Of Their Food
- 4
Eat Something Pungent You Brought Onboard
- 5
Immediately Push To The Aisle/Exit When The Plane Lands
- 6
Talk To A Seatmate Wearing Headphones Or Otherwise Engaged