Who Is The Most Famous Mike/Michael In The World?

Celebrity Lists
Updated October 1, 2024 322.1K views 43 items
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6.6K votes
1.9K voters
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Vote up all of the Michaels you've heard of.

How many celebrities named Michael can you think of? The famous Mikes and Michaels below have many different professions, including notable actors named Michael, famous athletes named Michael, and even political figures named Michael. 

Michael Jackson is certainly one of the most famous Michaels on this list. One of the famous singers named Michael, he started his career at the age of 6 with the Jackson Five. About 5-6 years later, he went solo and became one of the most famous musicians of all time

Another of the famous people with the first name Michael is Michael Jordan. He was a former player for the Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards. He's received 5 MVP Awards and is arguably the best basketball player in the history of the sport.

Michael Buble is one of the famous singers named Michael. This list also features famous athletes named Mike - like Mike Singletary - and movie stars named Michael, like Michael Caine. There are also football players named Michael, movie stars named Michael, and male singers named Michael (like Michael Bolton). 

Did we forget one of your favorite famous men named Michael? Just add them to the list!  

Latest additions: Mikey Day, Michael Che, Killer Mike
Over 1.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Who Is The Most Famous Mike/Michael In The World?
Ranked by
  • Michael Jackson
    • Birthplace: Gary, Indiana, USA
  • Michael Jordan
    • Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York, USA
  • votes needed!
    • NEW
      Killer Mike
    • NEW
      Michael Che
  • Mike Tyson
    • Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York, USA
  • Michael Phelps
    • Birthplace: Baltimore, USA, Towson, Maryland
  • Michael Schumacher
    • Birthplace: Hürth, West Germany
  • Michael B. Jordan
    • Birthplace: Santa Ana, California, USA