Celebrities You'd Let Babysit Your Kid

Celebrity Lists
Updated January 3, 2025 29.0K views 99 items
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108.3K votes
6.7K voters
31 reranks
Voting Rules

Vote up the celebrities, living or deceased, who could join the babysitter's club.

Parents need to be extra careful when choosing a babysitter for your children, and picking a celebrity babysitter involves many factors to consider. Inviting a stranger to your house is one thing, but leaving them alone with your kids gets very risky, especially if paparazzi will be hanging on your lawn. While there are definitely celebrities you would not be comfortable with leaving your kids with, do consider the some celebrity babysitters who would do the job right. Which famous people do you trust to watch your children, and not lock them in the attic to watch their movies on your Fire TV?

With no big scandals and a great reputation, Tom Hanks stands as an obvious choice for one of the few celebs you trust alone with your kid. Morgan Freeman can read your children bedtime stories better than you ever could, Sandra Bullock will teach them the value of world peace, and Neil Patrick Harris definitely would show up with coordinated costumes and toys. Vote up the celebrities you'd let babysit your kids, and add any celebs you'd trust alone with your kids. Be sure to pick someone your kids find cool, or else you'll be the lame parent who could only get Kevin Federline to babysit.

Most divisive: Will Smith
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