The Best Jewish Food

Carly Kiel
Updated November 2, 2024 21.0K views 45 items
Ranked By
11.1K votes
908 voters
2 reranks
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Foods that are closely associated with Jews and Jewish culture.

Lox & bagels, matzah ball soup, Manischewitz... Even if you've never set foot in a shul, you have probably tried some Jewish cuisine. Whether you're a casual Reform Jew or one that heads to temple every Shabbos, these types of foods have been passed through your family for generations, and they are still on the menu today. What makes a specific food "Jewish"? For starters, Jews all over the world make and eat it on Shabbat, holidays, and High Holy Days. Whether a traditional Jewish recipe, a Passover tradition, or part of a tasty Kosher dish, these classic Jewish foods are loved worldwide, not only by Jews, but by friends and neighbors, too. 

Some of the most delicious Jewish food include well-known dishes like kugel, brisket, and challah bread. And everyone knows about the Jewish penicillin: chicken noodle soup. But have you tried other pastries, like rugelach and blintz? And what kind of Hanukkah is complete without potato latkes? Vote up the best Jewish foods that you wish were part of every meal. 

Most divisive: Gefilte fish
Over 900 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Most Delicious Jewish Foods
Ranked by
  • Latke
    334 votes
  • Challah
    287 votes


  • Bagel
    261 votes
  • Matzah ball soup
    297 votes

    Matzah ball soup

  • Brisket
    278 votes
  • Rugelach
    252 votes