List of the best pets for kids, ranked by former kids, parents, and animal lovers. This list of good pets for kids includes the most popular kids pets like cats and dogs, but also good small pets like hamsters, fish, and even lizards. The best pets for first-time owners are those inexpensive low-maintenance pets that require the most basic care, but also allow children to take on responsibility.
This list of the best pets for children includes pet reptiles that require basic feeding, as well as small mammal pets that might allow kids to play with them and even cuddle. Vote up those animals you think make the best pets for families with children to move them to the top of the list. If you believe a kid can handle a dog, great! Vote it up - and also check out this list of
the best dog breeds for kids. If you don't think children should have even the best exotic pets, vote them down. This list includes the best pets for young children and small children as well as good pets for older children. What do you think are the
best low maintenance pets for kids? Use this best pets for kids list to decide if your child is ready to care of an animal!
Over 4.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Very Best Pets for Kids