The Best Comic Book Superheroes Of All Time, Ranked By Fans

Ranker Community
Updated January 2, 2025 1.1M views 284 items
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2.2M votes
139.7K voters
222 reranks
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Vote up the comic book superheroes that you'll always root for.

Spanning from the caped crusaders of yesterday to the icons of our modern era, this compilation of the best superheroes has been meticulously assembled by comic book aficionados to showcase the exemplars of heroism and valor. Encompassing the mightiest from the DC and Marvel Universes, as well as the unsung champions of indie comics, the list celebrates the most popular superheroes who've captured the imagination of readers around the world.

Superheroes often strike an intriguing balance between tangible human struggles and remarkable superhuman feats. They might possess extraordinary powers or rely on their unmatched intellect and technology to craft a persona dedicated to the defense of the innocent. Though the term 'superhero' has been around since the early 20th century, it was the arrival of Superman in 1938 that truly ensconced these mighty warriors in the public consciousness.

From Superman's otherworldly abilities to the keen detective skills of Batman and the technological prowess of Iron Man, these characters have varied paths to their heroic destinies—some born with powers, others using sheer human ingenuity to combat evil. Their allure is not just in muscular might or mystic abilities, but also in their layered personalities, complex backstories, and, occasionally, the endearing awkwardness of their alter egos.

The 21st century has seen superheroes leap from the pages of comic books to the forefront of mainstream media, especially with blockbuster films dominating the box office. This heightened visibility has sparked deeper explorations into the archetype of the superhero, resulting in characters that reflect upon the very nature of heroism itself.

The list before you offers a chance to revisit these awe-inspiring figures and elevate your personal favorites. From the iconic top 50 to the comprehensive top 200, each superhero here awaits your endorsement. While villains are essential to the narratives that shape these heroes, they hold no place on this particular roster. Now, it’s your turn to weigh in on the eternal question: Who is the greatest superhero of all time? Cast your vote and contribute to the ultimate ranking of these legendary guardians of justice.

Most divisive: Superman
Over 139.7K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of History's Greatest Superheroes
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