The Best Movie Characters Of All Time

Ranker Community
Updated January 3, 2025 567.9K views 1,222 items
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1.8M votes
84.8K voters
132 reranks
Latest additions: Paulette Bonafonté, Lydia Deetz, Marcus Aurelius
Most divisive: Minions
Over 84.8K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Movie Characters Of All Time

Step into a world where the best movie characters await to rekindle your love for cinema. This list is a testament to those who've made a celebrated mark, carefully curated by a devoted collective of movie buffs eager to pinpoint the best characters of all time. Ranging from black-and-white classics to the visceral thrill of the latest action epics, these beloved figures cut across every imaginable genre.

Crafted by the greatest actors and actresses, these popular movie characters are the essence of what makes a movie with character so unforgettable. They're the protagonists who've spoken lines searing into our memory, the very same lines that have climbed the ranks to become some of the most memorable film characters in storytelling. It's through these famous characters from films that entire worlds come alive, inspiring creativity and conversation, influencing fashion, and permeating every corner of popular culture.

They're the iconic movie roles that shape our aspirations and color our dreams. These top film characters have not only carved a niche for themselves in the hearts of audiences worldwide but have also become synonymous with the magic of the big screen. So without further ado, cast your vote and help decide who ranks as the best movie characters of all time.

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