The Best Actors In Film History, Ranked

Ranker Community
Updated January 3, 2025 2.2M views 574 items
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3.4M votes
194.8K voters
368 reranks
Voting Rules

Vote on the greatest male actors based on their film careers only.

Who is the best actor in Hollywood? The best actors in film history is a great subject of debate. These are the greatest actors ever to appear on the silver screen - male only (to vote on both genders, check out this list of the greatest film actors and actresses). These gentlemen were part of some of the greatest movies of all time (or were perhaps the reason they were the best movies ever), with countless Academy Awards between them.

What are the qualities of the best actors of all time? Remember, this is not simply about the most famous actors of all time, or the most popular actors. Is it the raw emotion they show, the parts they choose, their acting methods, or simply their effortless charm and charisma? There's no denying some of these amazing actors belong on the list of the hottest male celebrities, but behind the 100 watt smiles lies the talent that defines generations of top actors. Who knows? Perhaps the number one person on this list is objectively the best actor in the world.

But seriously, who is the best actor of all time? Is it a classic actor like Marlon Brando, a comedic genius like Charlie Chaplin, a double-threat like Clint Eastwood, or a method actor like Daniel Day Lewis? There are so many choices for the greatest movie actor ever that you may have a hard time picking just one. Good thing you can vote for as many candidates for best actors ever as you'd like. Then check back to see if your favorites have made it into the top ten actors. You can also vote on the top actors of this year.

Most divisive: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Over 194.8K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Actors In Film History, Ranked
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