Awesome Superpowers We'd Give Anything to Have

Benjamin Dunn
Updated January 2, 2025 789.4K views 124 items
Ranked By
534.0K votes
37.8K voters
38 reranks
Voting Rules
Vote up the most desirable super abilities

List of the best superpowers we all wish we had as voted by the Ranker community. This list of superpowers includes anything we've seen in movies, read in comics, or dreamt up ourselves. Just think about how life-changing it would be to have cool superpowers. Have you ever been sitting in traffic and wished that you could just fly to work? Or have you had to run through the airport to catch your plane and thought of how great it would be to just teleport where you wanted to go? Maybe you'd just want to be able to know what your partner is thinking for once. Superhero powers may not all be useful, but they can sure come in handy, but just remember Uncle Ben's famous words, "With great power, comes great responsibility."

The most-wanted superpowers - even the weird, obscure ones - improve our everyday lives or allow us to become a little greater than we are. If you've ever been jealous of superheroes and their different types of awesome superpowers, fantasize with this list and pretend you've harnessed their powers. Now, you can use this list of superpowers to dream of how your life could be. Share this with your friends and add whatever cool superpowers you wish you had. 

This is a list of the best superpowers we wish were real. Vote up your favorite and add any that aren't listed yet.  

Most divisive: Super Saiyan
Over 37.8K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Superpowers We Wish We Had
Ranked by
  • 1
    11,964 votes


  • 2
    15,906 votes


  • 3
    15,640 votes

    Time Manipulation

  • 4
    12,618 votes

    Super Speed

  • 5
    15,617 votes

    Healing Ability

  • 6
    3,685 votes

    Rapid Cell Regeneration